1-507th PIR 23rd Annual Tower Lighting
December 12, 2014
Eubanks Field, Fort Benning
The 1st-507th PIR Cordially invites
all FBGA Soldiers and their families, as well as families from the surrounding area to the23rd Annual Tower Lighting Ceremony to be held Friday 12 December 2014 on Eubanks Field, Fort Benning, GA.
Expect a very festive evening were you can:
– Jump from the 34’ Towers and have your picture taken by 5jump.com.
– Purchase Airborne apparel for Holiday gifts from 5Jump.com.
– Watch or participate in a military working dog demonstration.
– Tour static vehicle displays; Stryker, HMMWV, Fire Truck, Police Car, and more.
– Enjoy Holiday music and a special performance from the MCoE Band.
– Watch Santa Claus Parachute in with the Silver Wings Demonstration Team.
– Meet Santa Claus and have your picture taken.
– Purchase snacks, hot coco, and coffee from MWR
– Toy donation point for Santa’s Castle in support of families at Ft. Benning.
Timeline of Events
3:00pm: Event starts and opening remarks 3:15pm: 34’ Towers open
5:15pm: 34’ Tower close
6:00pm: Santa jumps with the Silver Wings 6:15pm: Holiday Greeting
6:25pm: Santa leads countdown
6:26pm: 250’ Tower is lit and MCoE Band plays “We Wish You a Merry Christmas” 6:30pm-UTC: Meet Santa Claus and get your picture taken with him, and closing remarks.