Guest Blogger: Pilar Cobb, owner bFit Studio
Avoid Holiday Weight Gain, Look & Feel Fabulous By New Year’s!
It’s that time of the year – again. We know the drill: candy and cookies in the office; luncheons; holiday parties ramping up; goodies from friends and neighbors. After all, it is the holiday season! Break the cycle and start the new you TODAY!
Stop giving into the temptation of high calorie and sugary treats and discover how good it feels to be active, full of energy, and know that you CAN be in control no matter what time of year it is.
The biggest eating holidays of the year are approaching for many of us. Embrace healthy habits now that will help you avoid feeling guilty or unhappy about your choices going in to the New Year.
Here are 10 ways to avoid the dreaded holiday weight gain and look & feel fabulous by New Year’s:
1. Get goal oriented.
Be specific! Write them down and make them SMART. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Timeframe. Do you want to drop 10 pounds of fat? Exercise 3 days a week? Run a 5K? Fit back into your jeans? Can I do this in 6 weeks? Write it down and have it posted somewhere you will see it every day. A dry erase marker works great on a bathroom mirror!
2. Push “restart”.
Maybe your choices weren’t so great for a meal, or even for a day. That’s okay! Push “restart” and get back on track! No need to wait until the next Monday to get started. Forgive yourself and get back on track your very next meal.
3. Start small.
You don’t have to overhaul your entire exercise routine and diet all in one fell swoop. Those who create true lifestyle changes take small, healthy steps and keep pushing forward a little at a time. Even if it’s a 15 minute walk to start – it’s a start! Slow and steady wins the race!
4. Get balanced.
Take a good look at your diet and see if you are eating too much sugar or a little too much processed foods. One half of your plate should be colorful vegetables, one quarter of your plate should be complex carbs such as brown rice, and one quarter of your plate is lean protein. A great trick is to use a smaller plate!
5. Think ahead.
Studies show that morning exerciser stick with it longer and even reduce their motivation for food. Studies also show that those who bring their lunches rather than eating out are actually more productive than their counterparts. So, plan ahead! Think about any challenges you might have coming up during the week… parties, lunches out with friends. If you are attending a gathering bring a healthy side dish that you know you can enjoy at the meal. Eating out? Check out the menu online and decide what healthy choices you will have so once you arrive you already know what you will order when you arrive. Another trick: be the first to order at your table so you aren’t tempted to order what 3 of your friends or family just did.
6. Give it time.
Change takes time – you may or may not see the scale move too much in your first week & that’s ok! It takes time to change habits and to create new ones – you always hear new habits take about 30 days. Commit to at least a month, you can see real change with your new healthier habits! Again, slow and steady wins the race!
7. Get accountable.
Don’t keep your goals to yourself – share them with a friend, family member, personal trainer, and talk every week about them. Better yet, have a buddy join you on your journey. When you don’t feel sticking with it, remind yourself of your goals; feeling better, looking better, losing weight, keeping up with kids – whatever were those reasons were that got you started!
8. Drink water.
Most of us don’t realize how many calories we consume when we reach for something other than water. Designer coffees, energy drinks, alcohol, soda, even sweet tea can drive your calories way up with no nutritional value. Water helps remove toxins and will help with weight loss.
9. Don’t skip sleep.
It is a crucial element of healthy weight loss. It’s easy to reach for food when you are tired. It’s easy to look for comfort foods and make poor choices when you don’t get enough sleep. Your body is telling you it needs something…..not food, more sleep!
10. Forgive yourself.
Have a not-so-great day? Let it go! Forgive yourself and start again with the next meal. Don’t throw in the towel or punish yourself by not eating the rest of the day if you had a unhealthy lunch. You are worth it! Forgive the imperfection and make a better decision the next time. Small good choices now over time will create BIG changes!
If you are looking for a solid plan to help you get your eating habits and energy back on track, bFit Studio has over 50 plans to move you to a healthier, slimmer you! Need convenience? Try our 30 day plan nutritional cleansing and fat burning plan that has everything you need, give your body a break from the junk it doesn’t want and rediscover the energy you might be struggling to find!
Pilar Cobb, NASM/ACE Certified Personal Trainer
Certified Fitness Nutrition Specialist
Owner, bFit Studio
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