Bring your family to the corner of 14th Street and Broadway (next to Country’s) to see beds transformed into “floats” and strolling down Broadway in a parade. Five-person teams will race their beds against other teams. Proceeds will go to Valley Interfaith Promise, an organization that helps homeless families in the Chattahoochee Valley.
Awards will be given for Fastest Bed, Best Theme, Heath Jackson Spirit (team that brings the most people to cheer for them), Merit (team that raises most money for VIP), Crowd’s Choice and Divisional Race Winner.
2012 Valley Interfaith Promise Bed Race
Saturday, February 25
Team Check-In @ 10:00 AM / Parade of Beds @ 11:00 AM / Race Begins @ 11:30 AM
Entry Fee: $100 per 5 person team
Race participants must be 14 years age or older.
Click here to access registration forms, race rules, and bed building guidelines.
Valley Interfaith Promise (VIP) is a sheltering program for homeless families with children.
VIP provides shelter, meals, and comprehensive support services.