Note: This event has been postponed to March 2nd
The VIP Bed Race encourages your team to build a bed on wheels, then race your bed (using manpower only) against other teams for awards and prizes. Teams must have a minimum of five people to run the actual race – one rider & four runners to push the bed.
The race course is a straight run on 14th Street starting from 1st Avenue to Broadway (at the corner of Country’s BBQ). It is approximately 120 yards long.
Teams will compete in these categories:
Merit Award – Most money raised for VIP
Fastest Bed – Overall fastest combined times (2 heats)
Best Theme – Most creative design (judges)
Team Spirit – Team bringing the most fans
Crowd’s choice – Crowd votes for favorite bed — $1 per vote, 15 votes for $10, 50 votes for $100
Divisional Winners – 4 Divisions – Church, School, Business/Community, Junior (middle school)
Your team can have support people to help with their bed construction and design and to collect donations for Valley Interfaith Promise to be credited to your team’s effort in raising the most money.
For more information call Joe Bridges at 706-326-2953 or Valley Interfaith Promise 706-494-6348.