By Charlotte Bowman
Some days we don’t feel like good or effective moms. We can be our own worst critics. We wish our kids came with instruction manuals. And we wonder if we’ll ever get the hang of this motherhood thing. While none of us are perfect, I believe each of us can think of one parenting routine or habit that we are proud of when it comes to raising our kids. So we asked the moms from our Facebook community to share the one parenting routine or habit they feel most proud of. Read on to hear what they had to say…
Our bed time routine is something I cherish the most and I am proud we stuck with it. It’s been the same since they were babies. We do bath, read a book, and sing a song. I feel like no matter how busy our day was we always have our bed time. The kids love it and I love it. It’s constant and they know they get that time with me. We have the best talks at night and if I feel distant from them during the day I always feel reconnected at night. It’s definitely something I’m proud of. ~ Kimberly Haase
Not only do I try and teach manners but also self respect! Especially for my daughter! I do not allow my child to wear clothing that is not age appropriate! Halter top and strapless and booty shorts are not appropriate for a 6 yr old! If you teach self respect now they will grow up respecting themselves and others will respect them for it as well! ~ Bambi Rackley
We’ve encouraged their intellectual curiosity and that my kids are appropriately responsible for themselves. My 22 year old has saved enough $ to support himself for 4 months while he looks for his first real job after college. ~ Courtney Twigg
To others my children are perfect! I do not ever have to worry about their behavior at school because we have installed in our children that they are to respect their elders and teachers. Another thing, my two WILL not leave our side when we are out and about. They stay right with us and they know they are not to talk to strangers or anything. We have always been very strict with that and they know not to even think about walking out if our view. ~ Tabitha Torres
Good choices and bad choices and learning to tell the difference and accepting the outcome of either with calmness. Letting them go enough to live their lives on their terms. ~ Jennifer Chappell
I am proud of everything about my son I have raised him by myself from day one and he is 14 now. His manners are impeccable. He is not perfect but human. We always say goodnight and good morning, kiss on check and say I love you. I remind him often to treat people the way he wants to be treated, be kind, share and respectful.~ Sharon Parker
When telling my child to do something he has been trained to respond with “yes mommy,” or “yes daddy.” And when he tells me something in a bad attitude or is being bossy I look at his and say, “excuse me, what was that?” And he then realizes that he needs to reword his sentence a bit more politely. I get compliments on my child’s manners all the time! ~ Veronica Arnold
I would definitely say that their sleep schedule has helped me remain sane since having my second. They sleep very well and the hubby and I have more time to ourselves. ~ Sarah MacLaughlin
Love for God and Jesus. With that comes the treating others how you want to be treated, manners etc. If children want to please God then everything else will follow. ~ Jennifer Fargo Jensen
Reading to my daughter everyday – especially at bed time. She loves to read now. ~ Dedra Pace Roman
I am an only child and I have 4, soon to be 5, children…I have always taught them to stick together and not let anyone pick on, or be mean to their siblings without them coming to their aid. I am very serious abt this and as a result, my children are very close and look out for one another regardless of where they are. I am so proud of them for being their brothers/sisters keeper! ~ Courtney Wray
Living how I want her to live. “Only be careful and watch yourselves closely so that you do not forget the things your eyes have seen or let them slip from your heart as long as you live. Teach them to your children and to their children after them.”
Deuteronomy 4:9 ~ Shelby Bedgood
Eating meals at the table, as a family, and not having the TV on or using electronics at the table. ~ Charline McCray
The power of prayer. When my four year old wakes up with a bad dream she will come and get me to pray with her instead of trying to get in the bed with us. My older two are the same. ~ Cartrina Miller
The sleeping schedule they are on. It also gives me adult or even me time. Relaxing time before bed without kids. ~ Christina Rewis
The respect that they have using manners when they speak opening doors for others saying thank you and please. Most children don’t use manners and I am so happy to see that in them. ~ Holly Sene
After placing my son in his car seat, I give him a kiss and tell him I love him. We are never promised tomorrow and I want him to know how much I care about him in case we are ever separated forever because it could happen in a split second. ~ Christy Maze
Telling them “No” and not giving in. And reminding them to Be Kind every morning when we depart each other. ~ Heather Schwantz
We make learning and living for the Lord important in our daily lives. ~ Dawn Parker
We never reward our kids with food, even on special occasions like Easter. They mostly get non-food treats. The rate of obesity for us to add to the over-prominence of food in our kids’ daily lives. ~ Christine Senn
Praying, talking, laughing, cooking and going on “dates” with my son. ~ Asia Reynolds
I pat myself on the back every time we’re in public and my kids behave courteously and say “please” and “thank you” while other kids are acting like hooligans. ~ Sarah Smith
Question: What parenting routine or habit are you most proud of when it comes to raising your kids?
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