“The Dream Lives” Martin Luther King, Jr. Event
When: Saturday, January 18th, 12:00 noon
Where: Government Center Outdoor Plaza
Local and National Talent
Food and Non-alcoholic beverages served
Special Performances
Who: The Mayor’s Commission on Unity, Diversity and Prosperity’s “The Dream Lives” Martin Luther King, Jr. Event. The mission of the Commission on Unity, Diversity and Prosperity is to create a community where every person is valued and presented with equal access to opportunities.
What: The Commission will host an event demonstrating through local and national speakers, talent and presentations that The Dream Lives in Columbus, Georgia. The goal is to renew the spirit of the MLK legacy to meet the challenges of today. This event will allow us to broaden the commitment to Dr. King’s dream, and to the Commission’s mission, by drawing in citizens of all ages, races and walks of life. This event will unify the community and provide opportunities to appropriately honor a man who gave his life in the quest for equality and prosperity for all.