Chattahoochee RiverWarden’s Adopt-A-Stream Bacterial Monitoring Workshop
Join the Chattahoochee RiverWarden stream team! Become a volunteer and learn how to monitor E. coli levels — an important indicator of pollution. We’ll focus on proper collection of a water sample, transfer of samples onto plates for incubation, and interpretation of results.
Stream monitoring is a great activity for scout troops, neighborhood associations, garden clubs, or anyone who cares about our beautiful river.
Ages: This workshop is appropriate for ages 13 and up.
When: Saturday, January 25 at 9 a.m.
Where: Oxbow Meadows Environmental Learning Center
3535 South Lumpkin Road
Cost/RSVP: Admission is free, but a reservation is required
To RSVP, please contact Jenn at 706-649-2326 or [email protected].