Columbus Research Foundation is kicking off its Be Well Columbus 2011 initiative with a Kickball Tournament!
Aug 27, 2011 @ 10am-3pm
This kickball tournament is a kickoff event for the Be Well Columbus Georgia 2011 program. This is a free event. Come enjoy a kickball tournament, as well as inflatables, music and more.
The Be Well Columbus Georgia 2011 program is a web based interactive program for all 4th and 5th graders in Muscogee County. The program is designed to help combat childhood obesity by teaching students the importance of eating healthy and exercising.
Participating students will compete in a virtual walk from Columbus, GA to Hershey, PA. Students will be provided a pedometer to wear during the program. Students will log on to the Be Well website to enter their daily miles as well as daily food recalls. The program is competitive, with classrooms competing against classrooms, and schools competing against schools. The webpage will offer students healthy recipes, games, music, nutritional information and much more. This program is designed to not interrupt classroom time or instruction.
Location: Britt David Park, 2700 West Britt David Road, Columbus
Info: Kelly Bowman
706-507-2026 or [email protected]