Bring your kids! Bring your cameras! The Budweiser Clydesdales are coming to Columbus and Fort Benning this Holiday season!
Nov 21, 2012 from 10am-Noon ~ at the Warrior Transition Battalion on Michael Street, Fort Benning
Nov 24, 2012 from 3-5pm ~ at the Landings on Airport Thruway, Columbus
Since their first holiday commercial in 1976, these Anheuser-Busch mascots have become Christmas icons–just like Santa Claus and the Coca-Cola polar bears. These beautiful creatures are the quintessential draft horses. Clydesdales were bred in Scotland some 300 years ago to be mere work horses. They are capable of pulling a 1-ton load at 5 MPH. They are remarkable for their power, grace and gentle demeanor.
The mascots have a mascot of their own. Look for the Dalmatian siting aside the driver. Traditionally used to guide horse-drawn fire carts, this spotted dog has served as a friend and companion to the team since 1950.
For more info, click here.