Port Columbus Civil War Naval Museum presents
Captured! Combat Tours of the USS Water Witch
Nov 26- 27, 2010
Uniformed reenactors and an exciting narrative account tell the story of the battle for the USS Water Witch.
During a nighttime raid off the coast of Savannah, GA during the summer of 1864, Confederate sailors captured the blockading ship in a daring commando-style raid.
The USS Water Witch has been recreated in full scale on the Museum grounds. This will mark the second year of these immersive, on deck tours.
When: Tours will run at 11:00 a.m., 1:00 p.m. and 3:00 p.m.
Tickets: $6.50 Adults
$5.50 Seniors and Active Military
$5.00 Students
Where: 1002 Victory Drive
Columbus, GA 31901
Info: call 706-327-9798 or visit www.portcolumbus.org