Join the Muscogee County Marshal’s Office for informative and interactive sessions addressing issues regarding the safe, legal, and responsible way to possess and handle firearms in Georgia. Topics will include:
- Georgia law concerning firearms
- Proper handling, cleaning and storage
- Hands-on training
- Emphasis on handgun safety
Muscogee County Marshal’s Office
100 10th Street
West Wing 2nd Floor
Columbus, GA 31901
Class Fee: $42 (Cashier’s checks and money orders ONLY)
*Some costs may be waived at the discretion of the Marshal’s Office.
Registration: Contact Captain C. Lockette at (706) 225-4385 or [email protected]
Please note: Marshal’s Office certified Firearms Instructors will teach all sessions. You must be 21 years or older to attend these classes and background check will be conducted. You will need the following:
- Your firearm, holster, and 100 rounds of ammunition
- Eye and ear protection (Marshal’s Office will have some on-hand)
- Lunch, drinks, and snacks for range day
- Baseball type cap and weather-appropriate clothing for range day