The Columbus Regional Mathematics Collaborative at Columbus State University is hosting a trio of gender and age-specific summer camps that bridge math with mystery-solving, games, art, technology, sports statistics, architecture and more.
Monday-Friday, June 20-24
Columbus High School,
1700 Cherokee Ave., Columbus
• PSI (Problem Solving Investigators), 9 a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m. is designed for students 8-11-years old. Campers will act as scientists, explorers and detectives as they investigate mathematical ideas and engage in various hands-on explorations involving mystery solving, puzzles and games. Cost = $79
• PRIME Camp, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., is for girls entering grades 6-8, who will explore mathematical connections to art, science, games, puzzles, and technology. The camp is designed to illustrate connections between math and many areas of the participants’ lives. Cost = $149
• POWER Camp, 9 a.m.-4 p.m., is for boys entering grades 6-8, who will explore the mathematical foundation to sports statistics, architecture, art and design, rockets, games, puzzles and technology. Cost = $149
To register, go to or contact Kenneth Jones at 706-568-2480.
Financial aid is available to participants who qualify. Click here to access a form to apply for financial aid.