Can your family go seven days without watching TV or playing with any electronic toys?
Take the Dare… Join with and unplug your kids for ONE week!
Digital Detox Week
September 19-25, 2010
According to a January 2010 study by the Kaiser Family Foundation, youth ages 8-18 spend an average of 7 ½ hours a day with electronic entertainment (and manage 10+ hours of total media since they multi-task.) Our media savvy kids are watching TV, playing video games, posting on Facebook, surfing the net, texting, and listening to music!
The maximum time recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics is just two hours a day! encourages all families to join us in unplugging your kids this week! Send us an email and let us know how your week goes!
Formerly known as TV Turnoff Week, Digital Detox Week (also called Turnoff Week) encourages people to use electronic screened media responsibly and then have more time for a healthier life and more community participation.