By Guest Blogger Brandi Payne of Neat Home Solutions
Getting organized is about making your life easier. By maximizing your space and putting simple systems in place, you’ll know exactly what you have and where to find it. The items you keep in your home should be things you use often, things you love, and things that are necessary to the household.
If you want to get organized, set small realistic goals and you’ll achieve one success after another. Just remember, storing something because you might use it someday can affect how you live and function in your space right now.
#1 Utilize Technology
Reduce incoming mail by reading magazines and newspapers online. Choose paperless e-bills. Remove your name from junk mail and catalog lists and from telemarketing call lists Download books to an e-reader. Instead of buying DVDs, stream movies and TV shows from Netflix or HULU.
#2 Be a Fashion Critic
The 80/20 rule for clothing states we generally wear only 20% of our clothing 80% of the time! Clothing should be comfortable, fit well, look good on you and make you feel attractive. Weed out anything outdated, uncomfortable, not your size/color and donate it. Replace mismatched hangers with matching slim-line hangers to eliminate visual clutter and gain space, then group clothing by type, use, or color.
#3 Streamline Your Kitchen
Use clear matching food storage containers instead of mismatched containers in multiple shapes and sizes. They’ll nest in the cabinet, stack in the fridge and you can see what’s inside. Review your kitchen gadgets, small appliances, and serving pieces and only keep the ones you actually use.
#4 Make Your Space Multitask
Use double-duty pieces like a storage ottoman or a coffee table with drawers. Under-bed storage containers can hold shoes, off season clothing or blankets. Gain vertical space using shelving and pegboard in the pantry, laundry room and garage. Over-the-door pocket organizers can hold craft supplies, personal care items or pantry items.
#5 Shop with a Purpose
Take a quick inventory before you shop and make a list. Then stick to the list. If you feel the impulse to buy, ask yourself, “Does this item help me meet my goals? Will it improve my life? Do I have a place to store it?” You’ll be surprised how often your answer is ‘No’.
No matter how well you organize your space, it won’t stay organized unless you maintain it. The chief rule in organizing is ‘Get it out? Put it back!’ and it applies to every member of the family. When my son was small, I used a simple Chore Chart with him to teach basic household skills, instill good habits and create a helpful attitude. It included a 10 minute pick-up/put-away session as part of our nightly routine before bed and it worked like a charm.
If you feel totally overwhelmed, don’t know where to start, or feel you’re losing the battle with clutter, reach out to a family member, a trusted friend or a professional organizer and ask for help.
Brandi Payne, Owner & Organizer
Neat Home Solutions, LLC
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