Mind, Body, and Spirit Retreat –
From Makeovers to Transformations
Reward yourself with a day of laughter, learning and fun at the 2011 Mind, Body and Spirit Retreat for Women. This event will open your eyes to new possibilities, energize your spirit, and challenge your mind with new ways to improve yourself and the lives of those around you. Enjoy the day with friends, daughters, mothers, sisters and other women in your life.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
8:30 AM – 3:30 PM
Cunningham Center for Leadership Development at Columbus State University
Cost: A $35 fee includes breakfast, lunch, entertainment, educational sessions, a fashion show and many surprises!
To register visit ccld.colstate.edu and click on Event Registration. For additional information
call 706-568-5101.
This event is presented by Columbus Regional Healthcare System and the Cunningham Center for Leadership Development. Sponsored by CB&T.