Guest post by Fort Benning MWR
Moving to Fort Benning? Here are a few things you should do soon after you arrive to help you feel right at home.
Attend a Newcomers Orientation
Do this just as soon possible. Army Community Service hosts them every Wednesday at 9am in Building 7 on Baltzell Avenue. These are free, of course, and though Soldiers are typically required to go during in-processing, spouses can attend at their leisure, with or without their Soldier.
Take a Main Post Bus Tour
ACS also hosts a free Main Post Bus Tour the third Thursday of every month for Soldiers and family members 18 and older.. Child care is free, and so is lunch! The tour starts at 9am at Building 7 and ends about 1pm. Space is limited, so be sure to register by calling 706-545-0403.
Download the Historic Self Guided Tour
When you have an hour to spare, download the Historic Self Guided Tour at and take your family for spin around Main Post. While you learn your way around, you’ll learn a bit about Fort Benning’s fascinating history.
Register for weekly email updates
Finally, be sure to register for weekly email updates at We’ll make sure you know about events, special offers and discounts, concerts, travel opportunities and more. When you leave Fort Benning for your next duty station, simply reply ‘stop,’ and we’ll take you off our email list. But you’ll miss us.
Welcome to Fort Benning. We’re glad you’re here, and we think you will be, too.