Pre-Cotillion Manners Class
Pre-Cotillion is a manners class for 1st-4th graders. It focuses on the areas of character education, basic manners at home and at the table, introductions, sports manners and appearances. “Peanuts” the polite elephant is a costumed mascot who makes things fun. It is wonderful educational presented in a way to make children feel confident and empowered in dealing with adults, other children, and the world around them. There is no other program like this in Columbus, and classes fill up quickly.
Where: Columbus Country Club
2610 Cherokee Avenue
Columbus, Georgia 31906
When: Classes meet for three Tuesdays in January.
January 15th, 22nd, and 29th.
Who: Boys and girls, grades 1st-4th
Time: First and 2nd graders meet from 3:45 to 5:15.
Third and 4th graders meet from 5:30 to 7:00.
Cost: $85.00
Dress code: The dress code for boys is a shirt with a collar and khaki pants. Girls are to wear a dress or skirt and blouse. School uniforms are fine (no denim, please).
Contact: Please contact Judy Fields to receive an invitation: (706)464-5888 –