SLY Fest
Rummage, BBQ, and Pine Straw Sale
8:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Rummage Sale (MIN Parking Lot)
BBQ and Pine Straw Pick up from 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.
(St. Luke UMC, 301 11th Street)
Pre-orders for
BBQ – $8.00 plate (1/2 chicken, beans, potato salad, and bread)
$16 for fully cooked slab of ribs (no sides)
Pine Straw – $4 a bale for pick-up and $6 for delivery
To place your order please call
706-327-4343 or 706-256-1017
Proceeds benefit St. Luke Youth mission/projects
Donations needed: Deliver to Youth offi ce or call 706-256-1017
to schedule a pick-up of large items. (No clothing or shoes)