It’s time for the small fries to have a hand at a triathlon! Relay For Life Russell County is hosting the Small Fry Tri on Saturday, August 23, 2014 from 9 – 10 AM at First Baptist Church, Phenix City Alabama. Kiddos, ages 2-6, will participate in a run, swim and pedal competition.
Pick up/drop off registration forms at these Phenix City locations:
Medical Park Pharmacy, 1623 21st Court
Curves, 1813 Stadium Drive
Phenix-Girard Bank, 801 13th Street
Registration Fees:
Pre-Registration (before August 11th) – $15 per child/$35 for a family of 3 children
Day Of Event – $20 per child/$40 family of 3 children
Children need to bring:
Clothes that can get wet
Bike/Trike/Big Wheels (no motorized ride-ons)