We’ve compiled a list of over 100 summer camps and recreational programs taking place across the Chattahoochee Valley, Georgia, Alabama, and beyond. You can sort this list by category, including Overnight Camps, Preschool Camps, Spring Break Camps, and more.
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Harris County High School
Contact: Leigh SmithDescription
It may be Spring outside, but it is time to register children for the eSTARS21 Science Camp sponsored by Harris County High School (HCHS).
“This year’s theme will be focused on careers in science,” said Leigh Smith, HCHS teacher and co-director of the program.” We will be exploring different professions related to agriculture, animal management, and farming; engineering and 3D printing; medicine and sports medicine, and first responders. We are having some amazing guest speakers and a lot of hands-on science fun. Then, to finish up a great week, we are having a fun field day on Friday.”
2021 Camp
The camp will be offered June 14-18, 2021. It is open to students in kindergarten through 4th grade. eSTARS camp will take place from June 14-18, 2021, in the HCHS science labs and is led by HCHS teachers Tim Jones, Brittany Moss, and Leigh Smith. Due to COVID-19 concerns, our trips will be limited to Harris County and all school district safety protocols will be in place.
The cost is $180.00 per participant, which includes supplies, snacks, lunch, eSTARS21 camp t-shirt, and trip transportation.
Registration must be completed online at https://sites.google.com/site/estars11/home. A $90.00 deposit is required to hold your child’s spot for camp. For payments, credit cards are accepted online at the time of registration. Checks may be mailed to the address shown on the registration page or sent via your child’s school office. All final payments are due by June 1st. For those with multiple children in their family who would like to participate, there is a multiple child/family discount.
More Info
- The mission of eSTARS is to provide “Engaging Science and Technology Activities in Real Situations.” For more information about the program, visit the website https://sites.google.com/site/estars11/home.
- For information, contact Leigh Smith at (912) 655-0367 by email at smith-leigh@harris.k12.ga.us.
- The Harris County School District is in Hamilton, Georgia. For more information, visit http://www.harris.k12.ga.us or call (706) 628-4206.
Harris County High School