We’ve compiled a list of over 100 summer camps and recreational programs taking place across the Chattahoochee Valley, Georgia, Alabama, and beyond. You can sort this list by category, including Overnight Camps, Preschool Camps, Spring Break Camps, and more.
Note: To add or update your camp, please click here.
NIM Kids Summer Camp
Contact: Alexis van Brero BelmanDescription
NIM Kids Summer Camp – An Adventure through Time
Sign up now for SUMMER fun!! NIM Kids Summer Camp is a day camp filled with great activities for ages 6-14, designed to promote teamwork and teach the Army values. There are six week-long sessions over this summer.
Register before May 1 for early bird pricing! Pre-registration required. Register at 706-685-2614 or at campdirector@nationalinfantryfoundation.org.
National Infantry Museum 1775 Legacy Way Columbus GA 31903