Harvest Faith Community is offering Vacation Bible School for kids and parenting seminars for parents this summer.
Every Wednesday, June 29-July 26
6:00-7:45 p.m.
Harvest Faith (7777 Whitesville Road) will present “Mission to M.A.R.S.”, a vacation Bible school (VBS), every Wednesday from June 29 to July 26 from 6 – 7:45 p.m.
V.B.S.: Intended for children ages three to twelve years old, the VBS uses crafts, games, music, stories and video to invite children to “Meet A Risen Savior.” Each evening will begin with a meal built around an outer space theme, and then children will be divided into age-appropriate groups and rotate through the different activities. The children’s meals and VBS are offered free of charge, thanks to donations of materials and time from Harvest Faith Community congregation members.
Parenting Seminars: After the meal, while the children are having fun and learning about the Bible, their parents are invited to attend a series of seminars to help teach parents their parenting style and how it is positively or negatively impacting their children. They will learn how to raise their children to mature adults through a proper balance of acceptance and accountability. They will be given practical ways to instill in a child internal values of motivation and integrity and external values of love and respect. The seminars use a workbook developed by Victorious Christian Living, Inc. (VCLI), a non-denominational ministry.
Families interested in attending the parenting seminars are asked to pre-register so workbooks can be available, at a cost of $15 per family (which includes five meals, the workbook, and five lessons).
Registration for the parenting seminars: Call (706) 322-1447 from 8:30 a.m. until 1:30 p.m., Monday through Friday, or via the “Kids Corner” page at www.harvestfaithcommunity.org
The VBS and parenting seminars are open to the public without restriction.
For More Information contact:
James Leatherwood, Associate Pastor
(706) 322-1447 or PJ@harvestfaithcommunity.org